
DPA STC 4099 Saksofoni/Trumpetti mikrofonikiinnike

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DPA STC 4099 Saksofoni/Trumpetti mikrofonikiinnike
- puhallinkiinnike DPA d:vote 4099 instrumenttimikrofonille
- saksofonille ja trumpetille

Clip to connect a d:vote™ 4099 Instrument Microphone to a saxophone or trumpet. An innovative mounting mechanism makes it easy to move the microphone between instruments with one hand.

The versatile gooseneck provides stable and repeatable positioning. The mics can be easily unclipped and repositioned or moved to another instrument. The mounting system is designed to never blemish or scratch your instrument. And you can use any mute together with the microphone clip. It is also easy to place your instrument in a stand with the mic and clip on.


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