Royal Canin Veterinary Diets

Royal Canin Satiety Weight Management 12 kg


12 kg


Royal Canin Veterinary Satiety Support Weight Management SAT 30 is a bespoke dog food designed to help you take control of your dogs weight. SAT 30 fulfils the complete nutritional requirements of your pet whilst catering for the specific needs of overweight and obese dogs, as well as those with diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, constipation, or fibre responsive colitis. This scrumptious diet is loaded with protein and fibre to help preserve your dogs lean muscle mass and ensure they feel full at mealtimes. With a low energy density, Satiety Support Weight Management contains all the vitamins and minerals your four legged friend needs to avoid common deficiencies that can arise when on a low calorie diet. Whats more, this carefully tailored formula strengthens your pets joints a typical problem area in heavier dogs and contains EPA and DHA to support a flourishing digestive system.We recommend you seek an opinion from a veterinarian before beginning this diet. Once started, your dog can be fed on only Satiety Support Weight Management SAT 30 until they achieve their target weight. Please do not feed pregnant or lactating dogs, puppies, or dogs with conditions dictating a high energy intake on Satiety Support Weight Management SAT 30.

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