Royal Canin

Royal Canin Medium Adult 7+ 15 kg


ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult 7+ dry dog food has adapted nutrient levels to help maintain the vitality of medium breed dogs like yours who are experiencing the first signs of ageing. Plus, it contains a select antioxidant complex to help neutralize free radicals and help maintain the vital molecules in your dog&aposs body. ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult 7+ helps support optimal digestibility with an exclusive blend of nutrients, including a balanced dietary fibre content and an optimal amount of high-quality protein. In addition, it is enriched with the fatty acids EPA and DHA - these help support your dog&aposs skin function and ideal coat condition. To meet each dog&aposs individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult 7+ is also available as a wet food in a delicious sauce. If you are considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guide to ensure your dog receives an optimum amount of both wet and dry food.

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